Medical Assisting Degrees

The Advantages To Earning A Medical Assisting Degree

Medical assisting degrees offer students the skills and knowledge necessary to work within physicians’ offices and other medical facilities offering administrative, clinical, and specialized services. Medical assisting programs offer students the ability understand the quickly expanding fields of health care, medical ethics, medical law, and medical care. Medical assisting programs also offer students specialized business training in accounting, book keeping, and other clerical duties.

Many individuals interested in gaining skills necessary to work within the field of medical assisting manage work and family responsibilities in addition to participating in educational programs. Many vocational schools, colleges, and universities have developed innovative online programs in response to the demand for instruction beyond campus grounds. Online courses offer students virtually the same educational experiences as their traditional, on campus counterparts. Online classes generally consist of groups of 25 students (or less) who have 24 hour access to course information and materials. Online programs also provide students with a more personalized degree experience through one on one interactions with other classmates and instructors via Internet chats. Many students find pursuing an online degree as one of the most affordable and convenient means of expanding education necessary for personal, educational, and professional success.

What Students Learn Within Medical Assisting Degree Programs

Medical assisting degree programs offer students the educational basis necessary to work as professionals within the expanding health care system. Medical assisting programs provide students with knowledge pertaining to health, medical ethics, and medical law, as well as business skills in accounting, book keeping, and administrative tasks necessary to perform clerical and clinical responsibilities.

Many vocational schools, colleges, and online programs offer students the ability to complete diploma, certificate programs, and formal degrees necessary to gain the skills and hands on experience necessary to work as professionals within the field of medical assisting. There is no formal training or educational requirements to qualify for medical assisting positions within most health and medical services organizations. Some organizations require students to complete one or two year training programs to qualify for employment though some medical assistants begin their careers with the combination of a high school diploma and gain on the job training necessary for employment. High school students who complete high school courses in health, biology, keyboarding, bookkeeping, and mathematics who can proficiently utilize computers may gain employment as medical assistants upon graduating. Many graduates then advance to on the job training or complete training programs within vocational schools, technical colleges, or community colleges.

Vocational schools consist of one year certificate or diploma programs necessary for students increase skills and knowledge in the field of medical assisting. Courses within one year diploma programs include: career development, medical terminology, medical office procedures, medical law and ethics, pathophysiology, clinical skills, pharmacology for the allied health professional, laboratory skills for medical assisting, human anatomy and physiology, radiography skills, medical assistant externship, English composition, reading and writing strategies, and foundations of math. Students who complete one year diploma programs may advance to entry level employment or continue studies within associate’s degree programs.

Associate degree programs in medical assisting offer students the ability to expand their educational background, increase skills, and gain knowledge necessary for future employment.. Courses at an associate level include: anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, medical transcription, record keeping, accounting, insurance processing, pharmaceutical principles, clinical and diagnostic practices, patient relations, medical ethics and law, administration of medications, laboratory techniques, CPR/First Aid, medical supplies and patient preparation, medical office procedures, specialty areas for medical assistants, principles of speech, interpersonal communications, composition and rhetoric, college Algebra, developmental psychology, basic electrocardiography, advanced medical language, survey of microbiology, applied communications and safety, human body systems, contemporary applied management and a medical assistant practicum. Graduates who complete associate degree programs may advance to employment opportunities within a variety of organizations. Students who choose to continue studies must select a related health or medical care discipline as higher degrees in medical assisting do not exist.

Prospective Jobs For Graduates With Medical Assisting Degrees

Medical assisting degrees offer graduates the ability to work within multiple health or medical care settings upon completion of State regulated licensing and certification programs. Many graduates advance to jobs as medical assistants, administrative medical assistants, or clinical medical assistants. Graduates generally work within small or large hospitals, outpatient care centers, physicians’ offices, medical group practices, nursing home facilities, or specialized health clinics. Some graduates advance training necessary to work as specialized ophthalmic medical assistants, optometric assistants, or podiatric medical assistants.

Salary Range For Graduates With Medical Assisting Degrees

Earnings for graduates who complete medical assisting degrees vary tremendously and are based upon education level, skill level, organization of employment, work experience, and geographic location. Medical assistants generally earn $23,700 too $33,050 annually per reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Graduates who work within general medical and surgical hospitals generally have the highest earnings in comparison to graduates employed within physician’s offices, outpatient care centers, and other medical facilities.

Career Outlook and Advancement Opportunities For Graduates With Medical Assisting Degrees

Graduates who complete medical assisting degrees may expect to find plentiful career opportunities as technology advances and the health care system expands to accommodate a growing and aging population. Careers as medical assistants are among one of the fastest growing occupations, with job growth anticipated to increase by 34 percent through 2018 per the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. As group practices, health clinics and other medical facilities are established to meet the demands of patients, the demand for medical assistants and other health care workers is expected to increase significantly.

Licensed graduates who are trained in primary care, who specialize and continue education, and who gain work experience through volunteering, internships, or on the job training, are expected to find increased employability in comparison to graduates with less training and experience. Medical assisting graduates generally begin employment within entry level positions and advance to jobs with greater responsibilities and higher salaries upon gaining work experience and relevant licensing through the American Association of Medical Assistants. Many medical assistants also advance to managerial or teaching positions within vocational schools after acquiring work experience and continuing education. Some medical assistants gain additional education necessary for employment as nurses and other professional medical occupations.

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