Five Degrees That Require (Little Or) No Math

Individuals possess unique sets of skills that assist them with their careers and potential for advancement as professionals. These skills center around areas such as math, science, literature, the languages, and creative writing, and individuals generally possess strong points in one or more of these areas. For many individuals, the area of math and its applications is either undesirable or a weak point. Luckily, there are many great degrees that these individuals can pursue that involve little or no training in the area of math. Once completed, these degrees provide those individuals with the advanced educations that are necessary to obtain desirable employment in a variety of occupations.

Obtaining a degree in a certain field provides individuals with the advanced education that is often necessary for them to obtain an array of employment opportunities as professionals. One important aspect of any degree program is accreditation. Individuals should always verify that the school through which they wish to pursue their degree program is an accredited institution of higher learning. Provided below is a descriptive list of the highest paying, non-math related degrees that are offered by accredited schools.

1. Law Degrees

Individuals who possess a Bachelor’s Degree, three years of law school education, and a passing score on a written bar exam are eligible to work as lawyers in their community. Lawyers’ main role is to represent individuals and organizations in legal disputes. On average, lawyers earn about $112,760 per year. The expected job growth rate for this occupation is about 11%. Overall, the educational requirements that individuals must possess to become lawyers involve little or no math courses. The only math course that is usually required is the low-level, general math course for the Bachelor’s Degree. Course requirements for this degree generally include Criminal Procedure, Environmental Law, Civil Procedure, and Legal Writing and Analysis. One highlight of the field of law is that there are many accredited schools, such as the California School of Law, that offer qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue an online law degree. This provides individuals with a convenient, flexible means of enhancing their education.

2. Management Degrees

Individuals who possess an Associate’s Degree, a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, and/or a Doctorate in Management are highly qualified to pursue careers as Entry-Level Managers, Mid-Level Managers, General Managers, Accounting Managers, Production Managers, and Executive Managers in their community. Overall, the educational requirements that individuals must possess in order to obtain Management Degrees involve little or no math courses. The only math course that is usually required is the low-level, general math course for the Associate’s or Bachelor’s in Management Degree. Most of the courses that are required to obtain these degrees include Business Operations, Communications, and Leadership. Some of the best, accredited schools that offer Management Degrees include Central Michigan University, and Warner University. Upon completion of these degree programs, professionals in the field of management can expect to earn an average salary of $80,000.

3. English Degrees

Individuals who possess a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, and/or a Doctorate in English are eligible to pursue careers as Speech Writers, Authors, and Educators in their community. Overall, professionals in these careers are not required to obtain substantial training in math. The only math course that is usually required ii the low-level, general math course for the Bachelor’s in English Degree. Most of the courses that are required for individuals to obtain English Degrees include Interdisciplinary Writing, Humanities, Introduction to American Literature, and Social Sciences. Some of the best, accredited schools that offer English Degree programs include the University of Michigan, Columbia University, and New York University. Upon completion of these programs, professionals in the field of english can expect to earn an average salary of $74,000.

4. Education Degrees

Individuals who possess a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, and/or a Doctorate in Education are eligible to pursue careers as Teachers and Professors in their community. Overall, Teachers and Professors of English, Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology, Literature and many other areas are not required to obtain substantial training in math. The only math course that is usually required is the low-level, general math course for the Bachelor’s in Education Degree. Most of the courses that are required for individuals to obtain Education Degrees include Literature, Art, Psychology of Learning, and Teaching Methods. Some of the best, accredited schools that offer Education Degree programs include Vanderbilt University, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and Michigan State University. Upon completion of these programs, professionals in the field of education can expect to earn an average salary between $40,000 and $73,000.

5. Counseling Degrees

Individuals who possess a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, and/or a Doctorate in Counseling are eligible to pursue careers as Counselors in hospitals, schools, private clinics, and rehabilitation centers everywhere. Overall, Counselors are not required to obtain substantial training in math. The only math course that is usually required is the low-level, general math course for the Bachelor’s in Counseling Degree. Most of the courses that are required for individuals to obtain Counseling Degrees include Child and Adolescent Psychology, Intervention Strategies, Human Development, and Counseling Theory. Some of the best, accredited schools that offer Counseling Degree programs include the University of the Rockies, Argosy University Online, and the College of William and Mary. Upon completion of these programs, professionals in the field of counseling can expect to earn an average salary of $60,000.

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