Curriculum and Instruction Degrees

The Advantages Of Earning A Curriculum and Instruction Degree

Curriculum and instruction degrees provide individuals with the knowledge necessary to work as instructional coordinators improving, evaluating, and developing education within public schools. Graduates with curriculum and instruction degrees gain the skills necessary to research, observe and recommend improvements within a school or training programs curriculum to better meet the educational needs of students. Curriculum and instruction degree graduates work closely with educational advisory groups and committees to ensure curriculum instruction and materials relate to students’ educational and future occupational needs. Graduates within the field learn how to motivate students as well as analyze, evaluate, and design curricula through various fields of study including teaching methods, instructional design, technology,educational research methods, and the use of computers in the classroom, the psychology of learning, and lesson plan preparation.

Individuals interested in careers as instructional coordinators often begin as teachers and advance studies to qualify for employment. Instructional coordinators are generally must complete master’s degree programs and licensing requirements to qualify for employment. Many individuals manage work and family responsibilities while pursuing their degree and find one of the most convenient paths to acquiring knowledge necessary for career success is through online degree programs. Most colleges and universities have developed online programs in response to the demand for quality online education. Online courses offer virtually the same educational experience as their traditional, on campus equivalents with the added benefit of increased flexibility in course scheduling. Online classes give students, typically in groups of 25 or less, 24 hour access to course instruction and materials. Additionally, online students gain a more personalized educational experience as well as increased access to professors and classmates via one to one Internet chats. Online degrees provide students with the educational foundation necessary for future personal and professional success.

What Students Learn Within Curriculum and Instruction Degree Programs

Curriculum and instruction degree programs give students a broad understanding of all aspects of the educational system and ways to improve education to measure and improve student performance. Most students enrolled within curriculum and instruction degree programs are required to possess a master’s degree before entering the occupation. Many students begin their studies based in associate degree programs majoring in education.

Courses at an associate’s level include: foundational studies, composition and rhetoric, principles of accounting, college Algebra, contemporary worldviews, principles of accounting, philosophy and contemporary ideas, effective speech, English composition writing and research, human growth and development, marriage and the family, introduction to biology, American civilization, World civilization, human and intercultural relations, introduction to sociology, introduction to early childhood education, emerging literacy at home and school, young children’s development, behavior, and learning, the psychology of the exceptional child, early childhood integrated curriculum, working with families of young children, early childhood classroom management, reflecting on knowledge and practice, early primary curriculum, literacy development and instruction, and human development birth to adolescence. Students who complete associate degree programs may advance to employment or bachelor level studies.

Classes at a bachelor level include: principles of education, learning theory and portfolio development, instructional practices for reading teachers, instructional practices for content teachers, educational philosophy for teachers, classroom management for teachers, instructional practices for differentiated instruction, teaching practicum, principles of communication, expository writing and reading, persuasive writing and reading, analytical writing and reading, introduction to music, introduction to nutrition and food, sociology of education, general biology, general chemistry, principles of microeconomics, environmental science and society, mathematical analysis, general psychology, educational psychology, cognitive psychology, and foundations in education.

Graduates from bachelor degree programs may advance to employment or master’s degree courses including: educating diverse populations; research into learning in science; history and theory of curriculum; dynamics of curricular change; curriculum design for science teachers; foundations of education; practitioner action research; program evaluation; curriculum design k-12; promoting healthy lifestyles among students; the skillful teacher; leadership in science education; exploring the nature of science; issues, mandates, and ethics in special education; promoting healthy lifestyles among students; planning, technology, and school improvement; teaching reading in content areas; language acquisition; engineering for teachers; cell biology for teachers; evolution in context for teachers; meteorology for science teachers; energy, force, and motion; teaching with today’s technology; educational assessment and measurement; research and inquiry into teaching practices; current trends and legal issues with diverse populations; current trends and legal issues with diverse populations; literacy development for striving readers; reading assessment and instruction across the curriculum; reading assessment and instruction practicum; instructional methods across the curriculum; teaching students with mild disabilities; and survey of special education.

Graduates who complete master’s degrees qualify for employment as upper level supervisors and administrators or may also advance to doctoral degree programs. Courses at a doctoral level include: foundations of theory and practice in doctoral studies, educational research methods; advanced qualitative research methods, statistics for educational research; introduction to training and performance systems, needs assessment: models and procedures, leading innovation, teacher supervision and evaluation, education and law, advanced practicum in research design, processes of instructional design, theories of learning and instruction, theoretical basis of instructional design, ethics and social responsibility in education, advanced instructional design, leadership for instructional design, research in instructional design and development, theoretical constructs for evaluation and assessment of instructional design, leading instructional design initiatives, developing academic writing process, applying research in an academic writing process, educational psychology, instructional technology, and the historical and social foundations of education. Graduates who complete doctoral degrees qualify as experts in the field.

Prospective Jobs For Curriculum and Instruction Degree Graduates

Curriculum and instruction degree graduates receive the knowledge and training necessary for employment within a variety of educational, administrative, consulting, and instructional organizations. Employment for graduates with curriculum and instruction degrees is based upon level of education, area of specialty, work experience, and geographic location. Graduates often gain employment within public or private schools, museums, or community organizations. Associate degree graduates generally work as as teacher’s aides or teaching assistants. Graduates with bachelor degrees generally work as elementary teachers and advance to supervisory positions upon gaining required experience and continuing education. Graduates with master’s degrees qualify as middle or high school teachers, supervisors or administrators, curriculum and instruction specialists, assistant principles, educational consultants, course designers, curriculum managers, or training and development advisors. Graduates with doctoral degrees may work as instructional coordinators, researchers within educational facilities, freelance consultants, or as professors within colleges and universities.

Salary Range For Curriculum and Instruction Degree Graduates

Curriculum and instruction degree graduates have varied salaries based upon educational, geographic, and employment organization factors. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports median salaries for instructional coordinators ranges from $42,070 to $75,000 annually. Graduates who advance studies to graduate degree programs and specialize their skills generally have higher earnings than those with less education and experience. Graduates with undergraduate degrees generally earn $31,800 annually. Graduates with master’s or doctoral degrees have the potential to earn as much as $93,250 annually.

Career Outlook and Advancement Opportunities For Curriculum and Instruction Professionals

The demand for qualified professionals within the field of curriculum development and education is increasingly high. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistic reports job growth in the field of curriculum and instruction to increase by 23 % at a faster than average rate in comparison to other occupations through 2018. Job opportunities are expected to be favorable for all graduates, especially for those with math, science, or reading curriculum development specializations. As educational systems seek to improve quality of instruction and student performance, professionals with curriculum and instruction degrees will be in demand to determine accountability and develop improvement strategies.

Economic factors and budget restraints may limit employment prospects for some graduates within specific geographic locations though as population and technology expand, the demand for quality education professionals will tremendously increase. Graduates beginning curriculum and instruction professions generally begin employment within entry level teaching positions and advance to higher administrative positions within school systems and private industries upon gaining experience and expanding education. Graduates with advanced degrees often work as instruction, administrators, and supervisors within educational or private industries and advance to other occupations or begin their own businesses as freelance consultants.

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